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How to get from Nairobi to Arusha

bus from Arusha to Nairobi

How to get from Nairobi to Arusha you will need to travel  from Nairobi to Arusha by  road with a shuttle bus Nairobi to Arusha bus transport via Namanga Border. The shuttle bus ticket price is US$30 .Travel timing and transit time from Nairobi to Namanga border (2 hours and 30 minutes) and from Namanga to Arusha  is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Nairobi arusha bus bus seats
Nairobi Arusha shuttle bus seating

Book your shuttle bus ticket and get fare and get your boarding ticket online on   BOOK NOW

and want instant booking and more information on travel Nairobi to Arusha whatsapp Now
NB: You need Yellow fever certificate,Negative covid PCR results valid 72 hours,Bus ticket.
While travelling Nairobi to Arusha you can get your Visa at Namanga border and driver waits .